Looking for a job in the area? Then we have something for you! PostNL Elst is looking for warehouse workers in the morning. So you can enjoy a lot of free time as well! Earn up to €14,76 per hour. Check out the rest of the benefits.
Besides the fact that you have no problems getting up early and understand and speak the English language. You are also;
Together with your colleagues, you fulfill the function of warehouse employee in Elst. The team consists of super nice and friendly colleagues. You can laugh very hard with everyone. But of course, we also work very hard. A good combination that makes the time fly by!
With the tour you'll take a look at your new employer
Immediately get to work as a warehouse worker by PostNL in Elst? That's possible! Then we will talk to each other very soon!
This is how applying for a job is done via Tempo-Team.
Glad you're applying! We review your application and assess whether you are suitable for the position and the company.
Our recruiter will call or email you. We will discuss your application and your career options.
Have you never worked via Tempo-Team before? Then we need some basic information from you. We invite you for a short introduction.
We will arrange the interview for the position you applied for. Or for another, perhaps more suitable, job!
Congratulations! You are hired. We ensure that you start your first working day fully prepared.
Questions about this vacancy of warehouse worker? Just ask them. You can contact me by WhatsApp, mail, or call me.
Junior Recruiter
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Je staat op het punt om te solliciteren op:
Zoek je een baan in de logistiek? Dan ben je bij LogisticWork aan het juiste adres. Als specialist in de logistiek vacatures zit er bijna altijd wel een vacature voor jou tussen. Schrijf je snel in!